People often ask why they should use doggie daycare, hire a pet sitter, or pay for a pet check-in. Why can't they simply leave their dog home alone?
Well of course you can, but dogs left alone are often bored and lonely.
However boredom, pent-up energy, and loneliness are one thing to deal with; separation anxiety is quite another.
Does your dog whine and get restless when you get ready to leave your house? Does your dog chew on your furniture, clothing, doors and windowsills when you aren't home? Does your dog refuse to eat when you leave him or her alone? These are some of the behaviors associated with true separation anxiety.
Mike The Intern posted this video on YouTube: What my dog does when I leave...
Just seconds after the door shuts and he is left all alone, this dog starts showing clear signs of distress — scurrying throughout the house, peering out the windows. After just a few moments, the dog climbs up on a bed, and started to cry....
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